A concept in practice

1 min readDec 7, 2020

I want to learn some skills such as writing, investing and making videos. So the first idea is to put a concept to practice. The concept is from Mr. Jordan Peterson to construct a perfect day such that the sacrifices are worth your overall goal. So for 100 days I must write a blog post a day.

Today’s post:

Productive day

It has a morning and evening routine, work hours from 08:00 to 18:10, learn to invest in real estate, learn to edit, write a blog post, train and have some free time.

How to achieve that?

What to write about?

Something important, generous and unique. — Seth Godin.

  • Builder’s Diary

A blog series that I can do for my company is the “Builder’s Diary”. This will be just me visiting the site taking pictures and writing down what happened that day. This will be helpful to me, someone from our company and people interested in construction.

  • What is architecture? Meet the architect

Something interesting and cool. Just entertaining people and getting familiar with the art of designing buildings.

  • How to invest in Real Estate?

People need to learn how to become wealthy. Having money is not a bad thing. Having peace of mind and happiness is the ultimate thing.

Just writing things from AskGarryVee episode I am watching while writing this :

Accountability is important.

These things are quite important to me so visualisation of the end goal each morning is going to bring me close to their realisation.

Thank you again for your time.


